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Guaranteed rent of your flat

  • У вас есть свободная квартира, но нет времени на ее управление или поиск хорошего арендатора?
  • У вас есть неудачный опыт с предыдущими арендаторами вашей квартиры или агентства недвижимости?
  • Хотели бы вы насладиться ощущением, когда ваша квартира приносит вам деньги и у вас больше нет забот по этому поводу?
  • Доверьтесь профессионалам и сотрудничайте с нами!

Вы сэкономите время при поиске арендаторов

Tenants often respond to a few advertisements, see several apartments and require both e-mail and phone communication. They prefer to get an answer immediately, but sometimes they don’t come to a meeting with you. Cooperation with us saves you time. Only one meeting is necessary, we’ll then send you all necessary documents by e-mail and post.

We will send you the money regularly

Payments reminders, debts collection, personal issues with tenants – these are the least pleasant things about the property rent.

We will deal with the whole administration and communication for you. We are your reliable partner!

And if a tenant leaves, you keep calm

Tenants, especially the young ones, change apartments relatively often. And if this happens, you would need to start the whole process from the scratch.

Moreover during this period you don’t have any revenue from the rent, but only expenses.

If you work with us, finding a new tenant is on us, as well as the time without a tenant. We will cover the expenses.

A unique bonus – online Control 24/7

A free access to the Client Zone, offering you a complete information regarding your apartment.

What you get for the rent?

Our service costs only 15 % from the agreed rental excluding energy in case of the Guarantee option.

If we manage to rent an apartment for a higher price, we will pay you the half of the difference plus the agreed rental.

As an exchange for this fee we guarantee that in case of a rental fee delay or when a tenant suddenly leaves the flat, you will get the agreed rental always on time regardless of the circumstances.

If the agreed rental is CZK 10 000, we will send you CZK 8 500 to the account. Moreover, if we rent the apartment, for example for CZK 15 000, we will pay you the half of the difference plus the agreed rental. So in total you will get CZK 11 000.

Advantages of working with us:

  1. Experience – we are dealing with the apartment and apartment buildings management for over 20 years.
  2. Background – our 50 employees and fellow workers are taking care of more than 10 000 housing units.
  3. Quality – we have the ISO 9001:2008 Certificate for property management and maintenance.
  4. Information – a unique online Client zone with complete information regarding your apartment.

Are you interested but you have additional questions?

Guarantee is not so important to you and you prefer a lower fee and a higher risk?

Contact us by e-mail or through the contact form, and we’ll get back to you.

You prefer to deal right away? Call us at 277 000 330

I'm interested in the service

Phone number: +420 775 885 885
We will call you back

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